The Pinnacle of Politics

Diving into the Highs and Lows of American Politics

President Biden’s First Week in Office

With less than three weeks in office, President Biden has already taken swift measures in executing his administration’s top priorities. In this article we’ll be focusing specifically on the Presidential Actions he has signed during his first week in office. There are three specific directives President Biden has employed to carry out his agenda; executive…

Op-Ed on The White House Racial Sensitivity Training Memorandum

On September 4th, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Russell Vought sent out a memorandum to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies. The memo called for the halting racial of sensitivity trainings that discuss topics such as white privilege and critical race theory. The memorandum calls the training “divisive, anti-American propaganda”,…

A Quick Summary on How the USPS is Funded

The United States Postal Service has long been an integral part of American society, dating back to 1775,  when the U.S. Postal System was first established by the Second Continental Congress. The USPS is a self-funded government agency, meaning it does not receive funding from taxpayers, relying instead on the mail delivery and additional services…

President Trump’s Executive Actions On Coronavirus Relief

On August 8th, in response to the failure of Congress to pass a bill for COVID-19 relief, President Trump signed an executive order and three presidential memorandums to supply aid to those affected by the pandemic. Aid to Renters and Homeowners The purpose of the executive order enacted by President Trump, is to stop the…

What Happened in Portland

Early last month, racial tensions in Portland, Oregon reached an all-time high with the entry of federal agents into the city. Civil unrest continued to grow until the beginning of this month, where federal agents began being phased out of the city, after a month of violent clashes with protestors. With Portland moving into its…

President Trump’s Memorandum on the 2020 Census

The Memorandum On July 21st President Trump issued a presidential memorandum calling for change to the 2020 decennial census. The president’s memorandum orders the Secretary of Commerce to exclude the illegal immigrants living in the United States in his report of the census to the president.  The decennial census is a constitutionally required count of…


Hello all, and welcome to the first entry of The Pinnacle of Politics! My name is Jolene Comenat, and I’m excited to be writing for Excite the Mind. I’ve been following the journey of this website since its creation, via my twitter account of course, and I was thrilled when they offered me a spot…

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