Using Yahoo Finance Effectively

Yahoo Finance is probably one of the greatest websites to research investments, and I highly recommend for those who haven’t used it to try it. Today’s blog post will primarily give you an overview on how to use Yahoo Finance and what statistics to look for on Yahoo Finance in order to make decisions. BeforeContinue reading “Using Yahoo Finance Effectively”

Fundamental Analysis Essentials

Hello, hello, hello! Welcome back to the Money Talk blog page. Today’s blog post will cover the basic concepts you need to keep in mind when you conduct fundamental analysis of companies to make an investment decision on whether you should buy a certain stock or not. I know in my What’s Going On blogContinue reading “Fundamental Analysis Essentials”

Importance of Financial Education

Welcome to The Money Talk. I am really excited to have had the opportunity to start this business and finance page on the Excite the Mind WordPress blog. All of us at Excite the Mind are thrilled to begin this new venture on this website to document our experiences, student opinions, movie reviews, and businessContinue reading “Importance of Financial Education”

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