The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift – Movie Review

Director: Justin Lin The following review contains spoilers… for a 15 year old movie. Many films are spewed out by gargantuan studios to churn out some blockbuster cash, and others made by indie studios or standalone producers to fill a niche within the world of movies. Some are lucky and when released, shape the currentContinue reading “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift – Movie Review”

Cars 101: The Electric Vehicle

INTRODUCTION Welcome back. Today, we’ll be taking a look at one of the quickest growing areas in the automotive industry: the electric vehicle. Strap in, because this one’s going to be interesting… For me personally, the first thing I think of when I hear the word “car”, is your typical gasoline powered engine, be itContinue reading “Cars 101: The Electric Vehicle”

Cars 101: The Engine

INTRODUCTION The automotive industry, like any other, is a constantly evolving industry, where new technology is being explored and tested, so as to provide better, more desirable results for the average consumer. Over time, cars have changed so greatly that one might be unable to recognize what powered the very first automobiles on earth. Today,Continue reading “Cars 101: The Engine”

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