The Exposé

Let’s learn together.

Our 14th President: Franklin Pierce

Often mentioned in Big Nate, a graphic novel series that many pre-teens (including myself) enjoyed, Franklin Pierce was described by author Lincoln Pierce as a name synonymous with failure [1]. His submission to Southern pressure and his beliefs in the balance of Federal government directly led to the split of the nation. Let’s explore why……

On Native Americans: A series

This image is not of Native Americans but of Egyptian laborers utilizing cattle. It is still relevant to this week’s publication due to the importance of domestication. This will be a weekly series that I will focus on Native Americans and their history. I take pride in my passion for learning more about our past…

The American Healthcare System

This piece is to cover what healthcare is and the columnist’s opinions on the current American healthcare system. The columnist is a current student in High School and lives in the U.S. He is not a health economist so further information can be found in more detailed studies/articles. Key points: Healthcare is a sum of…

Henrietta Lacks and Bioethics

We hope you have been enjoying our latest posts! We are working hard to put what we like onto paper (online paper in reality) and we are happy you guys are enjoying it! Who is Henrietta Lacks and why should our society be in thanks to this women? How does ethics apply within science? Where…

Aprendiendo un Idioma

Today’s post will be in both English and Spanish as per request of my brilliant Captain Vargas. I find this as good practice as I embark on my own journey of learning a language. I have provided an English copy below. Hola! Ya que estoy escribiendo en español hoy creo que sería correcto hablar sobre…

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Image credits: “Flickr”. Flickr, 2020, Accessed 24 July 2020.

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