No Farmers, No Food

Being one of the top agricultural producing countries in the world, almost 70% of India’s population depends directly on farming as a way of life. So what happens when this 70% is forced is to suddenly change the way they sell their products?  This is what happened as a result of the Indian agriculture actsContinue reading “No Farmers, No Food”

Serenity, Not Anxiety

Often times, we have to deal with the pressure of stress and anxiety. What kind of ways can we all practice so we can limit this from occurring? INTRODUCTION Imagine a world without stress and anxiety. Feels pretty good, right? Unfortunately, many people in our world today still suffer from stress and anxiety. Unarguably, many peopleContinue reading “Serenity, Not Anxiety”

The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift – Movie Review

Director: Justin Lin The following review contains spoilers… for a 15 year old movie. Many films are spewed out by gargantuan studios to churn out some blockbuster cash, and others made by indie studios or standalone producers to fill a niche within the world of movies. Some are lucky and when released, shape the currentContinue reading “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift – Movie Review”

Whose Family is it Anyway?

A tale of two television networks forced to share the same airwaves. I’ve always been interested in the operations of media networks. I’m not quite sure why, but it often leads to many late night searching through Wikipedia articles and the news sources attached. Last night, my interest was peaked and it led me downContinue reading “Whose Family is it Anyway?”

Double Trouble: Shakespearean Sonnets of Love

In both “Sonnet 140” and “Sonnet 18”, William Shakespeare emphasizes the complex relationships relative to love by utilizing metaphors, fixed form, and an alternate rhyme scheme in order to show various realities concerning the impacts of love. Relationships in this case relates to the meanings, and not the relationships itself (for the thesis) This articleContinue reading “Double Trouble: Shakespearean Sonnets of Love”

Spoken Word Poetry: What It Is And Where It’s Going

Open your eyes. Yes you, open your eyes. Open your eyes and see the world for its beauty. See the world for the trees and the grass that is green. See the world for the earth, the sky, the sea. See the world for all the creatures hidden in the deep. Now see the worldContinue reading “Spoken Word Poetry: What It Is And Where It’s Going”

Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

“The summer sun was not meant for boys like me. Boys like me belonged to the rain.” Reading was my first love. Actually, second (the first was eating). But, you get what I mean. Over the seventeen years I’ve been alive, I’ve read hundreds of books. From those books, I’ve amassed so much knowledge andContinue reading “Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe”

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