Evolution of Human Behavior

Welcome back to The Science Lab! Great topics were covered this past week by Pranav about the The Billionaire Mindset and Shishir’s Just Mercy – Movie Review and stay tuned for Akshay’s upcoming article. Be sure to read these articles and remember to follow our Twitter (@MindExcite) to stay updated on the latest blog posts eachContinue reading “Evolution of Human Behavior”

Starlink: The Man-Made Constellation

On Wednesday, June 3rd, Falcon 9 lifted off from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, marking the eighth and latest launch of the Starlink project, the batch consisting of 60 efficient and compact satellites joining the other 400 which were already in orbit. Starlink is a project undertaken in 2015Continue reading “Starlink: The Man-Made Constellation”

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