No Farmers, No Food

Being one of the top agricultural producing countries in the world, almost 70% of India’s population depends directly on farming as a way of life. So what happens when this 70% is forced is to suddenly change the way they sell their products?  This is what happened as a result of the Indian agriculture actsContinue reading “No Farmers, No Food”

Blast from the Past: September 25

After an extended break, The Science Lab is back with another invention that help the world transfer into the modern era. In 1956, on the 25th of September, the first working telephone cable system (TAT-1) was laid between Oban, Scotland and Clarenville, Newfoundland, representing a major step towards global connectivity. The TAT-1 line was composedContinue reading “Blast from the Past: September 25”

Does Stress Impact Technical Interview Performance?

A new study by North Carolina State University and Microsoft shows that most technical interviewers test your ability to perform under pressure rather than your actual technical skills. Previous research found that many software developers believed the interview process was deeply flawed, so NC State and Microsoft put it to the test. In this study,Continue reading “Does Stress Impact Technical Interview Performance?”

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes

Local Florida Keys officials have recently approved a much-awaited experiment concerning mosquitoes. With 26 and rising reported cases of dengue fever in the Florida Keys, officials hope to stop the spread and prevent another dengue fever outbreak on top of the current crisis of COVID-19. Scientists at Oxitec (a UK-based biotechnology company) have found aContinue reading “Genetically Modified Mosquitoes”

The Terzo Millennio

The Terzo Millennio: the future of automobiles and mechanical appliances. This astonishing new Lamborghini has opened up a gateway of possibilities for what it means for something to be “smart”. The Terzo Millenio is especially interesting because it has the ability to self-heal and is fully electric. The Terzo Millenio uses super capacitors rather thanContinue reading “The Terzo Millennio”

Blast from the Past: August 2

This week on Blast from the Past, we are featuring two tremendous inventions, one that keeps working hardly, and one the hardly works. The first is one which we never appreciate or realize how much easier it makes our lives: the nylon-bristle toothbrush. On August 8th, 1938, Dr. West’s Miracle-Tuft Toothbrush had hit the marketsContinue reading “Blast from the Past: August 2”

Blast from the Past: July 26

Starting today, I will be starting a new series under The Science Lab called Blast from the Past. It will feature a notable science/technological event that has happened on that day in history. With that said, let’s start with today’s. In 1969, scientists had the first look at the 46 pounds of moon rocks ApolloContinue reading “Blast from the Past: July 26”

Neowise: The Comet of the Millennia

Comet Neowise flew past the earth earlier this week. It was the first comet able to be seen by the naked eye since the mid-1990’s, when Halley’s Comet had been seen. Another fact that makes this a very special event is the size of the comet’s orbit. Halley’s Comet has an orbit of 75 years,Continue reading “Neowise: The Comet of the Millennia”

Signs to Speech

Technology has drastically changed our lifestyles since the beginning of the Digital Age. Many inventions such as the smartphone, social media, Artificial Intelligence, etc have connected everyone in the world. This glove-like device can help everyone connect with each other even more. A group of researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles have createdContinue reading “Signs to Speech”

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