Wonder Woman 1984 – Review

Rating – ★★★☆☆  Director – Patty Jenkins Main Cast – Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal Well, it has been quite a while, but a little bit of a Christmas Miracle and we are back! I don’t know how often we will be uploading reviews during the hectic school year, so no promises.Continue reading “Wonder Woman 1984 – Review”

Double Trouble: Shakespearean Sonnets of Love

In both “Sonnet 140” and “Sonnet 18”, William Shakespeare emphasizes the complex relationships relative to love by utilizing metaphors, fixed form, and an alternate rhyme scheme in order to show various realities concerning the impacts of love. Relationships in this case relates to the meanings, and not the relationships itself (for the thesis) This articleContinue reading “Double Trouble: Shakespearean Sonnets of Love”

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