
Hello again, hope everyone is having an awesome day so far! We have reached August and I have to say, I am definitely not ready for school to begin. I probably had one of the most restful summers staying at home and spending time with family, playing video games, and working on personal projects. I have had such an awesome time writing for the Excite the Mind website and reading the other enlightening articles on the other blog pages. Not only has my interest in finance and business fueled even more, but also I have been able to learn a lot about my interested field of study by writing weekly finance articles.

I have just finished up writing some overview articles on different finance concepts on the Money Talk Blog Page, but in the coming weeks I am going to switch gears and write about a different topic! My plan is to start a Billionaire Success Story Series, which will allow you to understand how the many famous billionaires rose to prominence and became the successful individuals they are today. Hopefully this will give you some ideas on how these successful billionaires make money. That is why you may not see a Money Talk blog post this week since I still have to figure out how exactly I want to go about writing this series and compile the necessary information to write detailed blog posts. If there is a specific billionaire or businessman you would like me to write about, please let me know in the comments down below or in the contact form linked to our homepage next to the Instagram and Twitter links.

I guess that’s it for now. I just wanted to give y’all an update on what you can expect to read on the Money Talk in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned for next week’s Billionaire Success Story Post #1!!

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