Catch Me If You Can – Movie Review

Rating – ★★★★★

Director – Steven Spielberg

Main Cast – Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Amy Adams, Martin Sheen

 “You know why the Yankees always win, Frank”

“Because they have Mickey Mantle?”

“No, it’s ’cause the other teams can’t stop staring at those damn pinstripes.”

I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember watching a movie with such an A-List ensemble in a very long time. Spielberg, DiCaprio, Hanks, John Williams! Not just that, the movie itself has been quite famous for a while, and I was so glad to get a chance to finally watch it. The one problem with seeing the cast list full of so many stars is it increases expectations, it creates “hype”, and I hate having any type of expectations before watching a movie. Of course, many cases it’s inevitable – who didn’t get hyped for Infinity War or Endgame? But many times, hype makes you have unrealistic expectations for a movie to the point where a movie will never be good enough. But I will say, this movie was just as good as I hoped it would be.

DiCaprio plays Frank William Abagnale, the world’s greatest con man, who also happens to be a teenager. He quickly becomes an expert of deception and bank fraud, rising through the ranks. Meanwhile, Hanks plays Carl Hanratty, the FBI agent determined to end Abagnale’s little escapade. The rest of the film is about just how far Frank goes and how much farther Carl goes to catch him. My favorite moment in this film has to be Hanks’s Knock-Knock joke, and you’ll know it when you see it. This film is definitely something special that’s stood out to me. It takes you through various genres within a single film, giving you plenty of the already promised crime thriller while also giving you a deep look inside of a person’s mental state after the impacts of loneliness, not having the parents, the family you always wanted. It ends with an ending I certainly didn’t see coming, and it really just made me feel as if I’ve wasted my teenage years in comparison with Abagnale. I have nothing but praises for any of the cast, direction, or music as expected. All I have to say is get ready to be entertained, DiCaprio, Hanks, and Spielberg have crafted an exquisite, nuanced experience that isn’t just a fun 2 hour crime movie. This film has substance, and you’ll come out of this one with a lot to think about for sure. That’s all I want to say without giving too much away, GO WATCH THIS MOVIE! It’s free on Tubi, I believe, and on HBO Max among other streaming services.

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